25 January 2009

i'm graduating at

the end of this semester so please understand my lack of recent posts.

Updates will happen but very sparingly, and probably not as 'obscure' as usual, due to my lack of time to search the dark deep black depths of the internet.

I have a bunch of shit to do before I graduate -- compile 50 pages worth of fiction and non-fiction prose, poetry, essays, and journalism; complete a thesis on contemporary views of consciousness, focusing primarily on the work of Dan Dennett; and partake in three lengthy and well researched presentations on literary periodization, literary genre and literary criticism.

I have a lot on my plate, and that plate was thrust in front of me as if I'm at a friends' relative's dinner and I'm not very hungry yet I feel obliged to partake in the meal.

So, I know all of you will understand. Keep listening to great music and keep visiting -- I won't forget about this place nor will I entirely stop updating.


Anonymous said...

hi, thin about your studies, and dont worry, we will keep you blog in our favorite bookmark ^^

Shilzzz said...

what/where are you studying and would you recommend it? i want to get grad degrees in english (creative writing, etc) and while my first wish is the iowa writing program (of course), i am curious of other good programs, with teachers who give a shit

bodo said...
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