21 September 2008

Frakkur - Songs for the Little Boy

I feel the same way as when I first listened to Sigur Ros--stunned by absolute beauty. I was quite exhilarated upon finding out that Jon put out a solo album, and even more so upon listening to it.

The rocks of the mountains cut the clouds into shapes.

I've done some listening and searching concerning Frakkur. Apparently, this music's origination on the internet is a mystery. There is no trace of Frakkur's work other than blogs here and there. After inquiring about the issue on the Sigur Ros message board, I found out the following information:
1.) Frakkur is, without a doubt, the same Jon from Sigur Ros.
2.) Since this music's existence is a mystery, album art is not known. The album art I used is the same album art mentioned in a last.fm post on this album's page. So, understand that this art is not the correct album art for this album.
3.) Complete names for every song on each album discovered (there are three in total) is not known. Some went as far as naming the songs themselves, which is a travesty in my eyes. However, the first five tracks on this album are without a doubt the correct titles. The names for tracks six through nine are not known. I suggest to keep them named as they are, simply the number of their corresponding track, for now, until new verifiable information is discovered.

For the other albums, which I may post quite soon, pending the state of the titles of their tracks, I may consider renaming each track to untitled, pending more verifiable information. This is up to you, but I thought that this information was quite necessary when downloading and listening to Frakkur.

Aside from that, this is the first time I didn't delete the music right off the bat upon seeing poorly titled songs, for the music is just too good for me to get rid of. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


Anonymous said...

His name's Jón, not Jon ;)

Btw, thank you very much!

Unknown said...

Wow Thanks for this I didnt know about this musicproject until now, sounds really good!

Andrew Taylor said...

Many thanks for this...

Anonymous said...

How enigmatic. I'll definitely be checking this out then.

Intelligentoy said...


Rafaello said...

thank you for sharing these ;)

Fran said...

first of all, thank you really much.
I've been searching for these for time. I'm asking how you found these information, because they're really rare through the web. I hope you'll put here other information, if you'll find 'em.